Thursday, October 18, 2012

Bats & Spiders... OH MY!

The students have enjoyed discussing bats & spiders this week.  We have learned so much about them!  The students have completed research books, learned "wise words" associated with the both of them (i.e. nocturnal, echolocation, silk, etc.), and so much more!  Please be sure and discuss everything that they have learned about bats & spiders.  The students have many books that they will be able to share and read to you about them.  I have included some of the videos that we watched during our class discussions.  I told the students I would post them so that they could watch them again at home. 

Check out the video about spiders:

The Isty Bitsy Spider Nursery Rhyme:

Check Out the video about bats:

The Echolocation song: